Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crafting for Sanity?

Studying for Ecology using Sugar Packets at 2am in ihop.

While my to-do list is forever expanding... and my studying is ever shrinking (I know it's bad, I don't need the lecture thankyouverymuch)  alot of very interesting decisions have been on my mind.  AND to cope I have been crocheting, thinking through things, considering the massive test I have tomorrow afternoon etc.  So first I will show you the wonderful crafts produces (You can always put in your orders here), then the decisions, I know like a soap opera right? Maybe we will feel like really clean singers afterwards.
The Hunter
Baby Jayhawk

Bragg About
As you can tell I have been on a recent earflap kick.  Mainly because they fit perfectly and are SO incredibly warm.  So typically I name these after the people that inspired them, but since it's Christmas I can't really do that =).  I have already introduced everyone to the baby jayhawk, which is going to be so sweet... And yes I do measure baby hats on my knee. and then I further fit them on the children's heads I babysit..
Eph wearing The Hunter
Thankfully Eph is typically a good sport, and makes funny faces for my pictures.  He will occasionally let me fit a girl hat on him. I'll insert the picture if his mother approves it.  Suga Mama used to get mad at us for dressing J in our sequin dance costumes etc. so I figure I need the blessing. 

Alright so onto the decisions that I have discussed earlier:
Most of my friends know that I have begun feeling a little antsy in this small town. Sure we have a lake, but fishing can only do so much to help bring me out of this slump.  I also recently had a been considered for a very cool research position.  I figured this position would be worth this tight wool sweater feeling that Belton has been giving me.  I ended up not getting the research position.  (Nothing sad though, I know there is always a plan) So it appears that there is a strong possibility this will be my last semester at UMHB.  I am in need of change.  Plus I have some much more interesting and stronger opportunities that have sprung up in much more fun areas.  Don't worry I'm not dropping out of college or anything, just moving schools.  So keep me in your prayers as I will be in need of all the help I can get while I'm going through all of this.  Now you can understand the crafting for sanity thing.  I need to invest in the stocks of Hobby Lobby.

Arms full of crafting supplies

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